Browsing: Windows

In today’s world we have some kind of login information for just about every site we visit frequently. From our email accounts, banking accounts, credit card accounts and so much more. It can be tough to memorize each and every password for each different site, especially since it’s never recommended to use the same password for more than one site.

In almost 45 years of tech nerdery I’ve covered a fair amount of ground software-wise. I saw a question posted online not too long ago, asking people what the “best app you’ve ever used?” and it had me thinking through everything I can remember messing with over the decades. After giving it a chunk of consideration I arrived at the answer.

Okay so here are my thoughts after a few months with the NuPhy Air 96 v2. I’m not much of a mechanical keyboard user and I talk about that and how it affects my perception of the keyboard as well. If you want, there’s also a list of as many specs as I could think of at the bottom of this article if you would like to just read that as well. But this isn’t a spec sheet, it’s a review, so here are my thoughts: